Happy First of October


I still can’t quite believe it’s already October.

Where did September go?

Things were pretty busy for us here with Josh starting school, another thing I can’t quite believe.

That has to be one of my favourite pictures from his first day of school!

But now that we have all settled into our new routine, I thought it would be a great time to make a Fall bucket list.

I’m sure you’ve seen these things floating around the internet, but most of them seem to be from America and involve things like going to football games, something which we don’t really do much of here in Blighty.

So I made up one of my own, using ideas taken from other bucket lists I’ve seen and writing it on a photo of some leaves I took last fall.

I’m not sure what I might do with it; I’m thinking I might print it out and just hang it on the wall. That way, whenever I am looking for inspiration for something to do, I can just have a glance at it.

Feel free to save and print a copy if you feel it might help inspire you to get out and enjoy fall.

I know it will for me.

We can already tick apple picking off the list.

Now we just need to go make a pie with all those apples!

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